An Evening on Lesbian Pregnancy in San Mateo, CA

Free event for lesbians on mommy-making options to be held at the Beresford Recreation Center, Presented by Path2Parenthood and California Cryobank

NEW YORK, Sept.1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Path2Parenthood (P2P), formerly known as The American Fertility Association, and California Cryobank announced today that their Gay Women's Gathering: An Evening on Lesbian Pregnancy series is coming to San Mateo. The free event will be held at the Beresford Recreation Center on Tuesday, September 8th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The highly acclaimed series focuses on educating gay women with critical information they need when considering pregnancy. A core focus on family-building safety for LGBT families from legal and medical perspectives is stressed. Issues include choosing between known and unknown sperm donors, conceiving at home or in a doctor's office, fertility health and understanding the legal rights of LGBT families. The relaxed and conversational event will feature Sara Pittenger Reid, M.D. of the Reproductive Science Center and Ora Prochovnick, J.D. of John F. Kennedy University College of Law. The event is supported by Our Family Coalition as Community Partner and The Stork OTC as Educational Goody Bag Sponsor.
"Path2Parenthood is bringing our Gay Women's Gathering series to San Mateo in response to the overwhelming number of requests we have had from women in the area, who are ready to build their families and want information on how to do it safely. We are grateful to our generous sponsor, California Cryobank, now in their third year of support for our ongoing work with the LGBT community, for enabling us to expand our outreach," says P2P Executive Director, Ken Mosesian. "It's deeply gratifying to know how many women have attended these events, and how many more have gone on to realize their dream of family as a result. As the only family-building non-profit in the infertility space with a core commitment to working with all people, Path2Parenthood looks forward to hosting many more Gay Women's Gatherings in the coming years."
Finding a sperm donor, selecting an insemination procedure, and protecting both parents' legal rights can all have significant, long-term financial, medical and emotional impact on a lesbian family," stated Scott Brown, Director of Client Experience & Communications at California Cryobank. Brown, who will be on the faculty for the event further stated, "California Cryobank is proud to be part of this incredibly important evening of family building education and support."
The event will take place on Tuesday, September 8th from 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. at the Beresford Recreation Center, 2720 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA  94403.
The evening is focused on the lesbian community, but all are welcome to attend. A drawing for one free vial of sperm from the donor of your choice, valued at $595-$795, will take place, compliments of California Cryobank.
Refreshments will be served. Educational gift bags will include Path2Parenthood's handbook, "The Gay Woman's Guide to Becoming a Mom," plus other educational content and will be given to all participants. The event is free, but reservations are required. Call Corey Whelan at 718-853.1411 or email
About Path2Parenthood: Path2Parenthood is an inclusive organization committed to helping people create their families of choice by providing leading-edge outreach programs and timely educational information. The scope of our work encompasses reproductive health, infertility prevention and treatment, and family-building options including adoption and third party solutions. Path2Parenthood is a national, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in New York City.
Contact Info:Corey Whelan
Program Director
(718) 853-1411

SOURCE Path2Parenthood

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