Love Between Men

  In his latest novel, Gardens of Hope, published by Chances Press, author Michael Holloway Perronne considered it timely to not just explore a World War II era forbidden gay, interracial love story, but also a controversial, and often overlooked period of US history, the forced internment of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans at sites such as Manzanar in California.
"After personally visiting the historic Manzanar site, I felt profoundly moved and, frankly, horrified when I learned more about the struggles and indignities of Japanese-Americans, who had committed no crimes, being forced to leave their homes for years and live in what many would call a concentration camp," Perronne said.
In addition, Perronne doesn't recall being taught in school about President Roosevelt's Order 9066, which will mark its 75th anniversary on February 17, 2017.  The order essentially jailed Japanese-Americans after the panic that ensued following the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  "I definitely believe it's a part of US history we've tried to erase because it doesn't fit our narrative of being a society based on democratic principles.  Much of the same type of misplaced fears we see today towards minority populations were used against Japanese-Americans. In my opinion, much of the recent upswing of hate speech has been fueled by the Trump administration.  The story of Manzanar is a chilling reminder of what happens when we let our fears override our sense of justice and decency."
Perronne continued, "Visiting Manzanar inspired me to craft a story about two young men struggling with their unexpected love for each other during a time when you could also simply be arrested for your ancestry. My wish is that readers of 'Gardens of Hope' are reminded that eventually love does trump hate and fear, but it also requires each and every one of us to stand up against individual injustices not just against ourselves but all Americans."
Michael Holloway Perronne is a writer living in Los Angeles. He has a BA from the University of Southern Mississippi and a MFA from the Creative Writing Workshop at the University of New Orleans. His debut novel, A Time Before Me, won Foreward Magazine's Bronze Award in Gay & Lesbian Literature.  "Gardens of Hope" is his seventh book. For more information on Michael, please visit his website at
Gardens of Hope
ISBN: 9781370433742
Publication Date: January 18, 2017
Retail Price: $14.95 paperback and $4.99 e-book
Publisher: Chances Press, LLC
Wholesale – Ingram Wholesale. Standard discounts and returnability.
Retail - Available from on-line book retailers, on order at any bookstore, or visit for more information.
Media Contacts- including to request review copies and interviews:
David Pearson
(702) 297-8324

SOURCE Chances Press, LLC


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