
Showing posts from January, 2017

Love Between Men

 In his latest novel, Gardens of Hope, published by Chances Press, author Michael Holloway Perronne considered it timely to not just explore a World War II era forbidden gay, interracial love story, but also a controversial, and often overlooked period of US history, the forced internment of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans at sites such as Manzanar in California . "After personally visiting the historic Manzanar site, I felt profoundly moved and, frankly, horrified when I learned more about the struggles and indignities of Japanese-Americans, who had committed no crimes, being forced to leave their homes for years and live in what many would call a concentration camp," Perronne said. In addition, Perronne doesn't recall being taught in school about President Roosevelt's Order 9066, which will mark its 75th anniversary on February 17, 2017 .  The order essentially jailed Japanese-Americans after the panic that ensued following the bombing of Pearl ...